Why AIKON Is the Blockchain Version of Richard Branson

When talking about disruptive business and innovation, one person who famously made a career out of it is Richard Branson.

And it does seem like he found the perfect recipe — identify an industry ripe for disruption, pinpoint that one thing that turns it on its head, and lead the charge. 

He’s been more than successful in reshaping a variety of industries — from music to media, from mobile phones to healthcare, from trains and airlines to space travel… the list goes on. And he makes it look so easy. 

However, building a disruptive business takes great skill in terms of evaluating possible inefficiencies, recognizing actual needs, and producing a solution that is not only groundbreaking but also truly usable to the target audience and beyond.

On the other hand, it’s difficult to compete with big companies that control the market no matter how much potential it demonstrates as they are in the perfect position to block the development of disruptive innovation and strategies and prevent them from reaching the end-user. But not impossible.

As Branson himself wrote in his blog, “…it’s important to create something of use that is going to benefit society as a whole. If you do something you truly care about, you will be in a much better position to find customers, connect with them, and keep them coming back.”

In that sense, AIKON has not only done it by formulated an innovative and disruptive business model but also lived through it together with its clients. It’s one thing to wax lyrical on the benefits of blockchain-secured identity management but it’s quite another to stay the path with businesses that choose to adopt it, helping them every step of the way so their journey is as enjoyable as the end result.

Having created ORE ID — a platform for safe identity and digital asset authorization and management — AIKON enables companies to move their infrastructure to blockchain and operate securely within a high-quality decentralized network. Thus, customers get a seamless transitional experience to the platform where their rights to identity and information and asset integrity and safety are paramount as well as attainable in the long run. 

Essentially, AIKON’s mission is to resolve the blockchain mass-adoption problem — one disruptive innovation strategy at a time. 

It is precisely this necessity to attack frustration with all your problem-solving skills and the intention to make an improvement that connects AIKON and blockchain at its core. 

If you look at the big picture, everyone’s life is connected to the Internet one way or another. People browse their favorite social networks daily (at least) and get all sorts of knowledge from there — whether it’s finding a new recipe or following what is happening in a country across the world. Or even coming across disruptive ideas for business. 

We leave information everywhere, sometimes without even realizing it, in order to access information or services we have come to depend on. We reveal our locations to Google Maps to get across town or give out names and email addresses to get news in our inbox as they happen. 

Having in mind that we have centralized entities that gather information about us and then use it to profit in one way or another, it has become a necessity for many to take back control and deny one or several big players to own and manipulate our data for their own gain. 

It’s the foundation upon which the business strategy of blockchain has been built — a decentralized economy of information — one everyone can evenly access and use, one that creates equal opportunities for all participating entities. 

Furthermore, the mere essence of blockchain technology makes it impossible to hack and appropriate or change the stored information as it is an open book everyone is reading at all times. 

AIKON’s intent is to enable companies to move and operate in this democratic space by helping them provide their own customers with a system that simply works without them having to know why and how. 

Creating that usable and practical connection between businesses and blockchain presents a disruptive business change precisely because it allows companies to affect people’s everyday lives in a quality way and not lose their customers in the process, but instead only gain new ones. 

The basic consumer may not understand what goes behind the scenes — and most won’t even care — but if they get to experience a real change that improves their lives, they will switch to the new system willingly. 

As a company, AIKON is determined to facilitate performing a vast array of activities for both customer companies and their consumers regardless of their understanding or even interest in blockchain technology. 

In that regard, blockchain and business development come together to provide a secure and fair system, open to all and at the service of all, beginners and experienced users alike. 

By means of blockchain technology implementation, AIKON is interested in breaking down barriers — geographical, economic, linguistic, and cultural — and solving the social problems of all people present on the Internet. 

A wide variety of infrastructural issues could be solved in this manner — from people being able to take care of administrative work online instead of incessantly waiting in lines to giving refugees identity and access to monetary means. 

Therefore, being disruptive in a business doesn’t need to make a profit but requires making a fundamental change to the way things have been done up until that point. 

Blockchain technology and AIKON together provide the opportunity to build a community from the ground up. We built ORE ID to make using blockchain easier than booking a flight on Virgin Atlantic and as cutting edge as flying to space on Virgin Galactic.

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