How AIKON’s Identity Solutions Support Businesses

The digital realm—propelled by the exponential growth of blockchain technology—has seeped into our lives and become an immediate ground for many of our everyday activities. 

This particularly applies to the development of decentralized apps (dApps). Decentralized finance (DeFi), and its quintessential feature of autonomy in lieu of central regulations, makes this sector one in need of ultra-security.

But what does that mean for personal identity? It is, after all, fragile no matter the format it takes—it contains personal information that, in the hands of malicious entities, can jeopardize a person’s wellbeing. 

When identity is linked to sensitive information that can be misused, you need to be careful with what and how that is shared with external entities.

Are You Who You Say You Are?

Usually, authentication methods tend to be more complex as the level of provided security rises. This idea, however, started to change with the popularization of blockchain. AIKON, with products that combine strong security and user-friendly interface, is part of that change.

Blockchain authentication and authorization facilitated by AIKON’s easy-to-navigate solutions allow users of the crypto-verse to have a top-notch security system that offers a genuine solution—and not a problem.

But having a bulletproof authentication method has its advantages for everyone if its protocols also happen to be intelligible even by non-techy users. AIKON fills this gap with such a delicacy that no user needs to know they are dealing with blockchain—by removing the complexities while providing simplicity of use of this novel technology.

This is why companies from different sectors have already secured their transactions and private data with AIKON’s products and services—such as financial servers Meld.Gold and AllianceBlock

Services hosting large amounts of users should consider AIKON’s products and set a steel-plated blockchain authentication in their infrastructure. 

Avoiding the Problem Is Not a Solution

So far, we have seen authentication processes become more and more complex, putting the burden of more complicated passwords, different means of login, or temporary codes on the user’s shoulders. Maybe the solution is just to do things right and put the complexity somewhere other than your customers.

The most obvious example to benefit from blockchain-based user authentication is clearly those companies that are responsible for user assets and have to guarantee secure information management, as it happens with the aforementioned Meld.Gold and AllianceBlock.

In addition to these, we can also think about the possibilities that open up beyond the more conventional scenarios. Let’s think for instance about what we might want to authenticate, other than people’s identities.

Moreover, it’s not written in stone that multisig authentication has to rely completely on humans. We can well imagine cases, particularly in decentralized apps, where multisig authentication is performed via due diligence checks or internal policies that prevent breaches in the process. Even once a decision has been made, it could open a window of time for the decision to be accepted by a human operator who is part of the multisig procedure.

With AIKON’s ORE ID, users are accessing blockchain via a single sign-on authentication method enabling them to log in via social media platforms, email, and SMS. 

This method reduces their online footprint and eliminates unnecessary exposure of private information to centralized storage units.

Multisig Wallets in a Budgetary World

Moreover, AIKON also offers ORE Vault, a state-of-the-art multi-signature wallet that is useful for any organization with funds in cryptocurrencies or NFTs and is interested in their cross-chain transfers and transactions. 

If you think about it, a multisig wallet may be particularly interesting for funded projects as it offers backers the opportunity to participate in enabling or rejecting transactions coming out of the organization and thus maximizing security and transparency. 

In general, any organization with ongoing audits can benefit from managing the company’s wallets via a multi-party authentication—and that is exactly what a multisig crypto wallet, such as ORE Vault, offers.

In fact, ORE Vault allows users to choose signatories to handle the company funds and in doing so, with whom they’re sharing the responsibility for decisions that critically affect the organization. 

This method, of course, adds utter security as transactions need to be signed by all participants—or at least, by the minimum number of participants agreed at the moment of setting up the ORE Vault—making attempts of fraudulent movements ineffective.

With AIKON, blockchain authentication and authorization seamlessly attain security and usability. After all, AIKON’s products can be applied to any industry.

Looking to secure your project? Meld.Gold and AllianceBlock have already done that, and you can do so, too, by contacting us now.

​​About AIKON

Blockchain and crypto are technologically complex. AIKON makes it simple. We’ve built a suite of intuitive products built on the ORE Network ($ORE) for enterprise companies looking to provide a seamless user experience that works cross-chain with Algorand, Ethereum, EOS and more.

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